A simple & powerful formatting plugin that extends neovim just a little bit to automatically format your code.
- Native: uses the
setting, the setting used by thegq
mapping in default vim. - Safe:
- Doesn’t replace your code with garbage if the formatting command fails (unlike
) - Applies the minimum difference required to the buffer. This means that the whole buffer won’t be changed and marks and external marks (used e.g. for diagnostics) will be preserved. This makes formatting less disruptive to your workflow
- Doesn’t replace your code with garbage if the formatting command fails (unlike
- Asynchronous: neovim won’t hang while the formatting command is running
- Can be configured to trigger automatically on write, per buffer
- No startup cost: call the functions you need when you need them, no need to load anything during startup.
Getting started
Install this package with your favorite package manager.
Then, you can configure some mappings or user commands to the following functions:
: format the buffer numberbufnr
: toggle automatic formatting on write
Setting Up a Mapping to Format the Current File
Add the following to your init.lua
vim.keymap.set("n", "<space>f", function()
require("minimal-format").format_with_formatprg(0, false)
end, { desc = "Format current buffer, using formatprg when possible" })
Setting a Formatter per File Type
Configure formatprg
like you normally would to use gq
. For instance, it might look like this for C:
if executable('clang-format')
setlocal formatprg=clang-format\ --assume-filename=a.c
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' fp<'
Paste the above snippet in .config/nvim/ftplugin/c.vim
Then when you call require("minimal-format").format_with_formatprg(0)
, the current buffer will be asynchronously formatted with this command.
Per Buffer Settings
Example for Rust, in .config/nvim/ftplugin/rust.lua
, where we automatically detect the rust edition:
if vim.fn.executable "rustfmt" then
vim.opt_local.formatprg = "rustfmt -q --emit=stdout"
local edition = require("cj.rust").find_rust_edition()
if edition then
vim.opt_local.formatprg:append(" --edition " .. edition)
vim.b.undo_ftplugin = vim.b.undo_ftplugin .. "|setl fp<"
where find_rust_edition
is defined like this:
function M.find_rust_edition()
local manifests = find_cargotoml()
for _, manifest in ipairs(manifests) do
local grep_output =
vim.fn.system { "grep", "-E", "--only-matching", [[edition *= *"(\d+)"]], manifest }
local year = vim.fn.substitute(grep_output or "", [[^.*"\(\d\+\)".*$]], [[\1]], "")
if year ~= "" then
return tonumber(year)
return nil
Automatic formatting on save
The last option is to enable automatic formatting before writing a buffer.
if vim.fn.executable "stylua" then
vim.opt_local.formatprg = "stylua -"
vim.b.undo_ftplugin = vim.b.undo_ftplugin .. " fp<"
if executable('stylua')
setlocal formatprg=stylua\ -
let b:undo_ftplugin .= ' fp<'
call v:lua.require'minimal-format'.enable_autocmd(0)
Example Formatters per Language
Language | formatprg |
C | clang-format –assume-filename=a.c |
Gawk | gawk –pretty-print=- -f - |
Go | goimports |
Lua | stylua - |
Python | black -t py36 -q - |
Rust | rustfmt –quiet –emit=stdout |
Toml | taplo fmt - |