How We Built Network Analytics V2
I co-authored this post on the Cloudflare Blog: How we built Network Analytics v2 Archived copies: WaybackMachine
I co-authored this post on the Cloudflare Blog: How we built Network Analytics v2 Archived copies: WaybackMachine
TL;DR As a small start-up time optimization, you can pick the best suited compression algorithm for the initial ramdisk. The Initial Ramdisk When a Linux system boots, it needs to mount the root filesystem /. This may be relatively complicated, as it may be on a software RAID, on LVM, encrypted… To keep things manageable, an initial ramdisk can be used to get a small environment that has all the required modules and configuration to load the root filesystem. On Arch Linux, this initial ramdisk is generated using mkinitcpio. It takes multiple parameters to tune various aspects of the system and of the generated ramdisk. ...
TL;DR LuaSnip is fast and doesn’t have to be complicated. Give it a try! ℹ️ Note Even if that article shows how LuaSnip shines, I have great respect for the work that has gone into UltiSnips. It is still a reliable, reasonably fast plugin given the constraint it operates in (in particular, Vim compatibility requires a fair amount of Vimscript). I’ve written this article shortly after trying LuaSnip and I’m still very much evaluating it. ...
The git ls-files command is up to 5 times faster than fd or find. But why?
cljoly/gohugo-asciinema ...
TL;DR When Opening the DB PRAGMA journal_mode = wal; -- different implementation of the atomicity properties PRAGMA synchronous = normal; -- synchronise less often to the filesystem PRAGMA foreign_keys = on; -- check foreign key reference, slightly worst performance And check user_version to apply any migrations, for instance with this Rust library. When Closing the DB PRAGMA analysis_limit=400; -- make sure pragma optimize does not take too long PRAGMA optimize; -- gather statistics to improve query optimization Introduction SQL pragma are statements (like SELECT … or CREATE TABLE …) that change the database behaviors or call a special functions. This post is a short list of SQLite pragma I use in my projects built on SQLite, to get better performance and more consistency. ...